They’re coming to take your guns…ha…ha…they’re coming to take your guns…

Soon after President Obama entered office, the car industry was turned completely upside down. Not only did 2 of the Big 3 get taken over by the new administration, but half of the dealers for those automobiles, some in business for over 90 years, successful, free and clear of any debt, and selling everything they received from the manufacturer, were summarily put out of business because a newly appointed Obama official didn’t like them. Think about that, 90 years as a successful business and whammy, “You’re out of business.”

There would be backing from the supporters of the new President with all of their excuses but in reality, it was nothing but a payoff to his supporters, from the Factory to the parts house. Just days before, those that hailed the coronation of their new leader had been railing against the Executive abuses of that Satan and fascist, George W. Bush. As time has progressed, the current occupier of the White House would not only embrace the totalitarian tactics and losses of freedoms forced on the Republic by the former President, he would expand into areas that mere days before, no one would have ever dream of in a free society. He promised, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” How little did we all know just how much and in what way he had in mind.

Half of the nation seems to support his efforts. Half seems completely against it. Where it ends up, who knows.

The point today is the coming change to the meaning of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. For 237 years it has meant what it has meant. Now, those in office are going to tell us that it means something different and that we have it all wrong. Just as those racist, slave owning, misogynistic Founding Fathers did. Aren’t we glad they came along to straighten that out for us?

But this isn’t meant as an attack on the President. VP Biden met with a number of supporters of their attack and surprisingly, they agree. Who would have thought? But also, he met with some of the large sporting goods retailers. These are those that I speak about today. I have a theory about something.

Just like the car industry take over, the Obama Administration can take over the firearms industry the same way and they will be applauded by their current applauders. And at the same time Obama can say, “Hey, see, I left your precious 2nd Amendment alone so go cling to your guns and religion and get in line with the times.”

Dick’s Sporting Goods has already capitulated before anyone has ever fired a shot. Sorry for the play on words. Others are going to follow and get in line with the Administration. A list of the big retailers is, Academy Sports + Outdoors, Bass Pro Shops, Big 5 Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Dunham’s Sports, Gander Mountain, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Wal-Mart and the National Retail Federation. These companies’s will become to gun sales as the current dealerships and manufacturers in the automobile industry are during the era of the Obama regime. Gun makers are going to have to all out just to resupply stores with guns and ammo after this current run on those items. Who will get resupplied first? Will the small mom and pope stores or online only stores get product first? Will those that believe in the 2nd Amendment and the right to protest the Administration get theirs before the big buyers? If you buy your guns and ammo at these retailers, you will be in support of them. It is on your conscience as to whether you do or don’t. Personally, I will never buy a sock from them if they get on board with Obama.

I believe that this will basically be the death nail to American gun ownership even if the Feinsteinies don’t get their way. Which by the way, they will.

The government will just deem those that they want to receive supply. Only those that buy into their new legislation will survive this new attack. Worked in cars. Worked in health care. Why not guns.

It falls to the little guy out there. If you believe that it doesn’t pertain to you because you only hunted deer a few times a year or because you are a fishing fan, don’t fool yourselves. The past shows that Democrats and Progressives don’t believe you have the Right to hunt and fish. They WILL come after your Dad’s ol’ shotgun and .30-06. Just go dig up Wild Ted Kennedy and ask him about that. They will not stop till guns are only in the hands of the drug cartels, Muslim extremists and two bit Dictators of their choosing.

Also, it seems convenient that the government’s order of 1.7 billion rounds of domestic usable ammo comes at the same time. Ammo that can not be used in war. It can only be used on those they deem as criminals here in the United States. I am not jumping on the, “coming round up of Americans and internment camp,” theories here, just saying that their orders of all that ammo, along with the change of current laws will make mom and pop stores wait on product to sell until they cant wait any longer and just go out of business. Bill’s, payroll, healthcare costs, mortgages and eating do not stop just because they don’t have anything to sell.

Regardless of where this current fracas ends up, the American way of life is going to further change within the next few days or months. Remember kids, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Stand firm.

Open letter to my Congressman and Senators

Dear Congressman,

I am an average citizen of the great State of Texas. For all of my adult life I have voted Republican. Since voting the first time for President Reagan, I have long supported the GOP and their candidates in every election.

To be candid I have, at times voted AGAINST their Democratic rivals in lieu of actually voting FOR the Republican. I don’t feel that was in anyway being disloyal to the GOP because in those certain situations, I felt that the Republican Party had put forth a candidate that was not a true conservative or that candidate was actually a Progressive, Liberal Republican that was only in the GOP because the Democratic spot was filled.

I, along with millions of other true Conservative, or Christian, or Gun Owning, or Founding Fathers revering, and yes, Tea Party Members have long felt that we had to help the Republican Party to defeat the Democratic Party in past elections. We all felt that, even though not every GOP candidate represented our thoughts and wishes, they were as close as we could come to getting decent representation in our State and Federal political offices.

Once again, we as a huge voting block of the GOP have not been championed by those in the Republican Party that we sent to Washington D.C. to represent us, We the People. This past 4 years have been hard on not only us, the voters, but on you, the servants of We the People that we gave our monies and votes to. We here in the homeland understand the pressures of your office. We understand that when those in your party, such as the Speaker of the House, the Senate Minority Leader and their various Whips decide to go along to get along with the Left Wing Democrat’s, it becomes hard for you to stand your conservative ground. We understand, but we expect you to stand your ground.

We hired you to represent our needs while remaining on your post there in Washington. Sometimes, what we want from you is this, STOP the Democrat’s. We did not send you there to, “Get things done”. There has been enough of getting things done over the past 6 years. We want you to STOP them and what they are doing.

My dear Congressman, this Fiscal Cliff fiasco was the last straw. It was the preverbal straw that has broken the Republican Camels back, so to speak. From this point forward, I will personally only back true Conservatives candidates. I hope that will remain the GOP choice. It may not be however. I am just one voter. I have no influence on others except through my voice, either spoken or written. But I will use it to the fullest extent to get a true conservative voice to represent me.

Those that feel the way I do have long been frightened into voting for the, if you will pardon me, “The lesser of 2 evils”, but those days are over. The last 4 years have proven to us that we in fact did, in certain elections, “throw away our vote”, by voting Republican. We received in our government the exact opposite of what we wanted by voting for the GOP out of fear of the Left. We are finished with that.

Congressman, I am asking you, my representative there in Washington to be Conservative and be true to the Constitution that our nation was built on. The coming months are going to be filled with bills that will future divide our nation and remove or stymie our Rights under the Constitution. We want you to stand and stand strong against the Democratic Left and their further eroding of our great Republic.

This is not an ultimatum in any way. It is a promise. I will support those that represent me. My devotion to the Republican Party is passed now. I will only support those that support me in return. In this promise, I will never support another Moderate or Progressive Liberal Republican with my vote. I along with millions of other Conservative Americans have witnessed the outcome of our support of Mr’s, Dole, McCain and Romney in their losing efforts to appear liberal enough to the Left while promising to hold the conservative mantle high. We saw both President Bush’s go along with the Left on things that they told us conservatives they would never do. “Read my lips” Congressman, I will never do that again. If my choice in the voting booth is to lose, I will still vote conservative, not the lesser of 2 evils.

The coming attack on the 1st and 2nd Amendments will decide our Republic’s future. But also, it will decide your party’s future as well. Any cave in or go along on this matter will see the demise of the GOP. I am saying this as a friend and not as a threat or ultimatum. The GOP’s voter base is varied but there is a core of Christian, Conservative, Gun owning, Constitution revering, private property owning and freedom loving Americans that are truly disillusioned by the modern Republican Party and any other new Party that may arise that holds their Conservative ideals will take them Presidential election. We have found that voting for some has not gotten us anywhere but further to the Left.

Please stand. Thank you for your time.

Respectfully yours,
Bruce Bowers.

Through the Glass Darkly

It has been sometime since last we gathered here to cuss and discuss the downfall of our great Republic. There are many reasons why you have failed to hear from me, “Your Humble Correspondent” for so long. Most importantly, it has been time but it has also been vigor.

The war we fight for our Republic is a hard one. At least it is for those of us that long for the truly free Republic that we once believed we had. In sad point of fact, that dream state of freedom’s glory had past in our beloved land long before B. Hussien Obama became leader of the free world. He was just the proverbial straw that broke the camels back.

As Americans, we have all been guilty of seeing through the glass darkly during most of our lives. Our vision of what was was skewed by our love for our land. We believed that others felt the same as we. How much more wrong could we have been? For over a hundred years, those on the left and in our very own government have been trying to snuff out Lady Liberty’s torch and we felled to notice. “WE” failed to notice. The shame is our burden now to bear isn’t it?

As everyday people we saw through rose colored glasses. Those glasses that made us believe that when politicians and leftists lied or worse, spoke openly about their hate for us and our way of life, we saw them as outside our box in inconsequential to our lives. They plotted and ranted and we laughed them off as crazy’s. They were a patient lot and we failed to see their danger didn’t we? Their victory’s are now our penance to pay for our sin’s of neglect.

We for so long believed that our futures were so bright we had to wear shades. Actually, we were looking at our world with blinders on. Our beliefs and selfishness’ allowed us to only see what we wanted. What we cared about. What we thought to be important. It turns out that along with our own foolish inward focus, those on the left along with those that we thought were on our side had ensnared us. They bridled us with racehorse type blinds that kept us from seeing the halters and ropes they were wrapping tightly around us. Now are hands and futures are tied to those that don’t believe the way we do or want what we want.

We should have seen what they were doing. We should have seen their snares but we didn’t. Why? As everyday, hard working people, we saw what we had to see to get by. Those in power, which “WE” put there, kept us focused on their Right hands while all the while working against us with the Left hands. Our eyes were set on our lives, which they made harder by their left slight of hand. Our eyes were fixed on what they and their friends on the left wanted us fixed on. We had tunnel vision in a tunnel that they lead us into. As sheep, we were lead into the tunnel with only the occasional “beep” and “bah” in protest. Like lambs to the slaughter, we were silenced when they offered us the placating “conservative” shepherd to get us back in line.

People tend to only see to the full extent of their visions. At that point, our imaginations and fears take over. We didn’t see that our freedoms were being strangled to a point of passing away under George W. Bush because we liked him. His terrorist policies were what saved us from any additional terror attacks. But at what cost? We became full aware of the cost when an openly anti-American, hazy personal past, harbinger of Hope and Change came on the scene. Our vision extended, our fears kicked in and we mobilized. Our imaginations filled in the foggy shroud we are unable to see through. Terribly, our imaginations were correct in some aspects. And still short sided in others.

As Americans, we have a vision before use that, at any other time in republic’s past, would never have been. Until now, there were too many that would react to the foreboding uneasiness that we now have before us. With our visions focused on the mirror that we saw the world through, we have come to the point where many feel we have a choice between the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet.

As with the Apostle John’s vision, we have someone on one side that does not see the God of our fathers as we do. He comes to us in sheep’s clothing telling us the meaning of what we believe. From a past born into and raised in, where he worshiped a false God, he now tells us that “HE” is the one to lead us. He now tells that our beliefs are the problem and he is here to repair it. THE ONE!

And as we see on “OUR” side, another, lesser beast rising among us that promises us NEW hope and change. Another one rose among us that shifts from side to side like a desert serpent on the hot sands looking for a shady spot to wait. Another one that has personal God beliefs completely foreign to most Americans. And in accordance with his beliefs, we must look at him through Rose Colored Glasses in order to stop the other, more dangerous beast.

Unlike him though, we realize that we are not reading obscure Golden Plates through now lost, Rosy lenses, we see clearly what is at stake. And unfortunately, we have to make that choice and not waiver. More than holding our noses, we must cover our eyes when making the choice. We may well have to borrow the mirrored shield of Perseus to cast our ballot for the Mudusa before us. And cover we shall.

We see before us a slimmer of light in our choice. Can the Leviathan that stands before us be stopped? Although not one that we would have ever accepted, in any other time, the choice is clear. The one, to stop “THE ONE”. Can the binds that we hope to wrap around him hold him to his promises? To be seen. Will we just slow our republic’s demise by electing him? We will see. Or, does it matter? One way or another, we no longer see through the glass darkly. The future is seen. We will see if it is bright or not.

Homey don’t play dat!


Homey Dont Play Dat!

When was the last time that we truly heard a President of the United Statesspeak whole heartedly about the interests of the United States of America? When was the last time that those same miscreants spoke whole heartedly about the freedoms of the people of the United States of America?

Can’t Remember? I didn’t think so. I can’t either. We all bring to mind those brief shinning moments in one President or the other saying something that we could bends into a form that we recognized as, ‘being for me and America.”But in reality, we were just putting on the Presidents words what we wanted to hear. As Conservative Americans, we have become infected with “Battered Spouses Syndrome.”

It has been sooooo long since we had a President that thought of being the President of theUnited States of Americafirst, instead of the De Facto General Secretary of the United Nations. Can anyone say that this is wrong? When we think about it, probably not.

With the current guy living in the big white building, it really stands out to us all. There are other contributing factors but his policies for the most part are aimed at being a great General Secretary as opposed to President. The reason that we as conservatives see it is that his election, knowing how he felt about America, made us sit up and pay attention finally.But what about those that came before him?

As conservatives, we generally over looked the world leader leanings of Republican Presidents because, like progressive liberals with Obama, Clinton and Carter, their “our” guy.  Hang with folks!

George H.W.Bush was worried about freeing the Kuwaitis from someone that was killing them but decided, because the United Nations had not authorized it, to let the killer go free.But, as we all know, “W” took care of him. Would America’s national interests been better serve by just killing Saddam Hussein? “A New World Order,” NAFTA, all in America’s Interest? Sure it was.

Clinton was more worried about, like Democrat Presidents do, subjugating the American people under their heavy handed and jack booted federal thugs. Does anyone of you remotely believe that the Assault Weapons Ban did anything to keep you safer?But, at least he changed our nation policies to allow the Chinese to finally gain against our military power by allowing the Commerce Department to open national security secretes. We all know that making the American people to live on a level playing field is the best for our national interests. Right!

“W” spent most of his Presidency trying to win the hearts and minds of the rest of the world while at the same time bombing the tea total living crap out of some of them. That is why he tried to get the world to think of the USA as the compassionate conservative older brother. Instead of just bombing Afghanistan farther back into the Stone Age, we decided to build a democracy. “W” wanted everyone in the world to love us, but didn’t bother to show us where are children’s blood and our nations wealth was going.

We were lied to and kept in the dark about a group of people in a place where the men hate, even the thought of a woman that they use young boys as stand ins for everything, and I mean everything,  except pro-creation. All one has to do is watch the PBS special featuring the British militaries encounters with them. It was like gay pride day in San Fran except it wasn’t considered that by the Afghans. Even Afghan President Hamid Karzai was probably involved in this. Links here if you don’t believe me:

Examiner , Silk Roads , Telegraph , more links here , I hope this enough to see that the American Government and news media have lied to us about this.

Maybe it was well deserved that President Bush spent his whole presidency chasing guys named Osama and Hussein to be replace by a guy Obama and Hussein. Does anyone else see the irony in this sick joke? Which brings use to B. Hussein Obama. Well there’s…there’s…damn, his whole presidency so far has been in America’s interest right? Didn’t think so. Homey don’t play dat.

But look at the bright side Patriots, at least your fellow conservatives are awake now and paying attention. The liberal progressive will never see what is happening to our republic but at least we get to watch it slide over the edge.

Which brings me to the point of this long winded blau, blau blau session. With all of my railings against him. With all of my harsh words for him. And with all of my, “Really, Ron Paul, Really,” statements, I gotta admit it children, I truly believe that he has America’s interest first and foremost in his mind. Now, now, don’t have a cow, as children sometimes say. I aint lost my head here. I’m just saying!

Vote damn it vote. I may not even matter anymore and if B. Hussein is re-elected, it may well be your last chance. Can any of you, after seeing his first 3 years and what he did, not believe that he may just decide not to leave at the end of his term? Executive Order resending term limits? Well, anyway, “Have a great Day and Smile”

Whitney and The Shining Light on a Hill

Whitney and the Shining Light on a Hill

The recent passing of music star Whitney Houston made me think of the peril that we all face right now in this great republic of ours.

Whitney shot out of the darkness to become one of the most popular and famous musical stars of all time. Her meteoric rise was spurred on not only by her talents, but also what she symbolized through her beautiful, enchanting voice and her winsome appeal.

She was a good girl making it big. Even those of us that couldn’t really be considered a true “fan”, thought of her in the highest regard. We appreciated her talents and were prone to, “turn it up” when her songs came on the radio and sing along with her. She was a star of the highest quality.

She was that way for years and years and more than one generation of Americans were inspired by her. Then, along came Bobbi.

Robert Barisford “Bobby”Brown, a fairly successful entertainer in his own right, shot onto the scene with the same type of star power that numerous people have in the past.But, because he didn’t possess the qualities, not only his professional life but his personal life as well, he didn’t achieve the stardom that Whitney did. He also was a notorious drug abuser and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Bobby came in and swept Whitney off her feet. And, as the days went on his lifestyle and drug abusing swept her off her starlit pedestal as well. He came in like a shinning Knight and left like nothing better than a two-bit, worthless piece of street trash. Another Cinderella story complete.

This whole sad affair reminds of our entire great Republic. America was a thriving City ofOn Hillfor the whole world to see. A place that the whole world wanted to come to and a place the world wanted to be. America was a Shining Light on a Hill that beckoned the rest of the world toward freedom and human dignity.

In the Year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Eight,Barack Hussein Obama II, the  44th and current President of the United States.Barack Obama.

Rising like a meteor from almost out of no where,Barack Obama shot onto the scene in 2004 and hasn’t stopped. Several events brought him to national attention during the campaign, including his victory in the March 2004 Illinois Democratic primary for the Senate election and his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. He won election to the U.S. Senate in Illinois in November 2004.

His presidential campaign began in February 2007, and was inaugurated as president on January 20, 2009. In October 2009, Obama was named the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

Obama was toAmericalikeBrown was to Whitney. He came in with his message of “Hope and Change” has done to our republic whatBrown did toHouston. After three years of our nation’s love affair with Obama, our republic is now addicted to more and more of governmental takeovers, hand outs, regulations than at any time in history. The abuse perpetrated on the Constitution of The United States by this man is nothing short of the kinds done byBrown toHouston.

Half of the nation is now getting 100% of their financial support from the government. 45% of Americans pay no income tax and yet retain the voting privileges that allow them to elect more of the pushers and drug dealers to public office. The only difference between Obama and Congress and the drug dealers and wife abusers like Bobby Brown is that Obama and his cronies get to make the laws. And they make laws that continue to hook more and more Americans onto their drug addicting hind tit.

America stands at the terminus point of our republic’s life. The nation we all were born into and grew up in is gone. It’s not just Barack Obama’s fault but he was the pusher that brought it to this point faster than anyone else could have.

The Democrat Party and its Presidents got the American people to give up their own freedom and liberties in order to get the addicting drug of government support in their lives. Whether Welfare, food subsides or whether it was the subsidies paid to farmers and business’. America has become a hind tit nation.

The Republicans have their part in this demise of our republic as well. The GOP with its “git a long to get along”, John McCain style of bowing down to anything the Democratic Party wants is the deepest cut of all. “Et tu,Brute?”

The Republican Party is no better than the so called friends and entourages of stars like Whitney Houston and others. Michael Jackson, Elvis,Brittney Spears and now Whitney. All of these superstars had people in their lives to should have helped and at times, stopped these stars from their untimely demises.But they didn’t. They gave the people everything they wanted, never standing up and saying what need to be said. These stars are dead now.

Barack Hussein Obama is here now. He is addicting more and more Americans to his way of thinking. “Let the government do it. We know better because we are politicians. We know better because you are too stupid to handle your own lives. We know best.” He is our Bobby Brown.

Happy Ground Hog Day

It seems amazing to this, your humble reporter, the heated debates going on over the current GOP primary elections. When listening to pundits on TV and radio discussing the various candidates, each side applauds their choices “conservative” credentials while all the more condemning their choices opponents “RINO” ways.

At the same time, we have “The Donald” coming onFOXNews repeatedly telling us that we are waiting with baited breath for his endorsement. “The Donald”, can you believe it? The only person truly waiting for this man to grace us with his choice is “The Donald” Donald Trump and maybe those on TV and radio that give him the platform that he desires.

This whole current election cycle has turned into a circus. We have all the elephants and clowns along with the ring announcers to go with it.

We still have the Ron Paul contingent with their “End the Fed” and “Leave the world to itself” mantra’s. Those that support Paul are very Paulish on Paul and any words against their choice will be met with anger. It evens comes down for some of them that it’s either Paul or no one. Good luck with that. Some even put out that if Paul doesn’t get the GOP nod, that they want him to run as a third party choice.

First off, that would be a terrible mistake to divide the Republican vote. As much as we disdain the Progressive Left, they stick together in their hatred of the Conservative Right. They will always stick together to defeat Constitutional freedoms and individual liberty.

Secondly, a third party Paul run will never happen. With all of his railing against the establishment and his libertarian leanings, he is a Republican and wants to remain a Republican. More importantly, he has a son named Rand Paul. Any third party Ron Paul run will be met not only with the ending of his life as a viable GOP congressman, but his son will no longer be accepted as a GOP member. If Paul runs third party, Rand Paul may as well join him because his own future as a Republican will be dead in the water.

The GOP insiders will use his career as a hammer against Ron Paul for daring to go against them, the GOP insiders. The one thing that can not be tolerated by the establishment is for an underling to swim against the tide. Rand Paul will be a blip on the time line of GOP history. Plus, Ron Paul will never win a general election and his nomination to the GOP platform or a third party run will give Obama a second term.

Romney and Gingrich. Aint they the pair? The rhetoric inFloridawas almost comical. Whether it was from the campaigns themselves or sideline groups that put out ad’s supporting or attacking either one of these guys. When it comes down to it, both of these sides will do anything to win. Romney, for his part has over 5 years invested in trying to become President. This is his last chance because if he is a 2 time loser for the GOP nomination, he will never be considered a viable candidate ever again.

Romney wants to tell us all, that he “IS” the conservative Republican candidate in this race. He tells us that he supports the Constitution and freedom and will repeal Obamacare. Really, are we really supposed to believe that he is a Tea Party, Constitutional Conservative? The only time he has ever been that is now. It is now, because he needs our votes to become the most powerful man in the free world and no more. His record is there for all of us to see, hear and read. The problem is that most Americans will not,SEE, HEARANDREAD it for themselves.

Mitt is the same as he ever was. He may try and govern toward the center if he is pushed enough by the Right but only because of it. He is still one of the few elected persons in theUnited States of Americathat inflicted healthcare mandates, global warming restrictions and state supported abortion monies on the people that elected him.But, in the end, if elected, he probably would govern from the center right because he would of course want to be re-elected after 4 years and also because the Republicans in Congress and the Senate would push him to the Right.

Mitt could probably win a general election. The one thing Romney has is a Presidential look and demeanor about him. He seems Presidential. Most importantly, he seems Presidential and amiable to those in the independent category. Those that make up neither the 40% on the Right nor the 40% on the Left. Those pesky 20%er’s in the center that may have voted for Obama because of the Hope and Change smoke blown up their, a, well, you know. Or, because they truly had had enough of PresidentBush and the Republicans. Like it or not, it’s the 20% that will end the Obama train toward totalitarian social democracy.  It is not the Tea Party, not the Republicans and conservatives. Romney’s centrist appeal could allow him to beat Obama.

Newt! What can we say about ol’ Newt? First off, the admiration for Gingrich over his intellect and his ability and willingness to take on the liberal media has been embraced by the Right. Republicans and Tea Party people have long waited and longed for someone that get in the fight that has been waged against conservatives and the religious Right for so long. As conservatives, we haven’t truly felt like anyone elected to high office has spoke up for us and our beliefs since Mr. Reagan. We relish the fact that Mr. Newt has done that in the past debates. And we thank him for that truly we do.

But, when we hear all of the Newt supporters telling us that we are wrong to support anyone but Newt because he “IS” the only true conservative in the race, we have to wonder. “WTF” (Sorry for that, but it is needed at times) Newt, the only true conservative? Please don’t take this the wrong way. Newt is great.But, in no way has Newt ever been or is a true CONSERVATIVE. We all know that currently, Mr. Newt has been talking conservative and talking Constitution.But, he has always been a progressive Republican and probably still is. Regardless of what he says about his attitudes changing since becoming a grandpa or a Catholic.

Newt likes to tell us that his support for healthcare mandates, global warming initiatives and other progressive agendas was long ago during the Clinton Administrations. And they were.But, his setting on the couch with Pelosi and his supporting of mandates were not restricted to, “in a galaxy far, far away and a long time ago. His support for REQURING YOU to buy health insurance, or REQUIRING YOU to put up aBOND, which is still the same thing was not 15 years ago. It was in 2009. Newt has never been a conservative till NOW while he is running for the GOP ticket. So please, can we stop the Mitt-Newt Kool-Aid drinking about espousing of theirConservative streetcred? Please? We are starting to look feeble minded here folks.Both men would be infinitely better for the Republic and the world than this guy we have now and we should support whoever gets the GOP nomination and encourage everyone that loves this Republic to do so.

Something that should remind us of the real, true, Newt, love him or not, was his amazingly graceless non-concession speech after not phoning the winner, Mitt Romney out of common competitive courtesy.  Gingrich chose to talk not about minor matters such as how he proposes to win the Nov. 6 election, but instead, described in great detail what all he is already planning to do and sign during his first day in the Oval Office. Newt being the ol’ Newt. Newt does not stand a chance to win theBig Ticket election in November.

Regardless of how much we conservatives like him or love him, he is as polarizing to the left and independents as Obama is to the Right. Newt would lose big time against Obama regardless of his trouncing ofB. Hussein in any debate. You and I are the base. We can only keep a Republican from having a chance to win but we can not give him a victory. Only the independents can give a Republican a victory. I hate that fact but it is true and conservatives have got to come to that realization or our way of life is over

The Remaining Rick. Rick Santorum truly “IS” the conservative candidate in the race now.  Even he has a few things like his support for No Child LeftBehind that causes conservatives to wince but almost everything Rick has done has truly been from the Right and conservative way.But, Rick is Mr. Excitement. He continues, except inIowa, to be an also ran. Letting the proverbial cat out of the proverbial bag, Rick Santorum is my personal choice left in this race.But, it seems that baring an intervention from God, he will not last much longer. Everything is against him when it comes to money and establishment support. I think that he could be a Reagan type of candidate and President but who knows. We may never know.

What to do? Well first, if we are going to defeatBarack Hussein Obama, we have got to get someone that can appeal to those damned independents. As an independent that only has the GOP left to vote for because I am so far to the right, some of the Founding fathers seem a little left to me, I will support the GOP. I will endeavor to promote the qualities of the GOP candidate because we have too.

We need to be finished with our efforts to “EXPOSE” the true Obama. We need to end our attempts to show the world his socialist agenda and his Muslim beliefs and his social justice heart. That hasn’t worked.  Except on us. If the world hasn’t seen it by now, they never will. We just come off as right wing idiots to them and push them away. Time to try something different. Come out of our holes and see what the Weather Men have for us. Happy Ground Hog Day.


If you are reading this, You are the Resistance,

"Pertinax usque ad mortem"

This isBruceBowers



Force of Government and the Church






Before we get started, let’s give a nod to our glorious leader by mentioning that today in history was the beginning of the Islamic calendar on January 23rd, 638AD.

The Church in Nazi Germany was subjected to as much pressure as any other organization in Germany. Any threat to Hitler would not be tolerated and the churches of Germany presented the Nazis with numerous threats.

In 1933, the Catholic Church had viewed the Nazis as a barrier to the spread of communism from Russia. In this year, Hitler and the Catholic Church signed an agreement that he would not interfere with the Catholic Church while the Church would not comment on politics. When signing a pact with the Devil, one should always keep in mind that he is “The Devil” Seems the Church of Rome should have thought this through a little better.

This pact lasted until 1937, when Hitler started a concerted attack on the Catholic Church arresting priests etc. In 1937, the Pope, Pius XI, issued his “Mit brennender Sorge” statement (“With burning anxiety”) over what was going on inGermany.

The Protestant Church was easier to deal with because of their numerous denominations. The Protestants themselves were split. The “German Christians” were lead by Ludwig Muller who believed that any member of the church who had Jewish ancestry should be removed from the church. Muller supported Hitler and in 1933 he was given the title of “Reich Bishop”. Makes one wonder just how much he is enjoying his place in Hell now, “Heil Hitler”

Those who opposed the views of Muller were called the “Confessing Church”. This was led by Martin Niemoller. He had become famous in Germany while being a World War One U-boat captain. That made him a potentially embarrassing foe to the Nazis. He was arrested by the Gestapo for opposing Hitler. Niemoller was sent to a concentration camp for 7 years where he was kept in solitary confinement. Many other Confessional Church members suffered the same fate.

According to  Eric Johnson, in his book Nazi terror: the Gestapo, Jews, and ordinary Germans. New York: Basic Books, p. 10. “The German census of May 1939 indicates that 54 percent of Germans considered themselves Protestant and 40 percent considered themselves Catholic, with only 3.5 percent claiming to be neo-pagan “believers in God,” and 1.5 percent unbelievers. This census came more than six years into the Hitler era.”

Here is a good link for an overview of Christianity in Nazi Germany is you are interested. It makes one wonder how could a seemingly religious and Christian country allow itself to become part of something so evil and hell bound as Nazi Germany. It is almost unfathomable isn’t? Well, is it? I don’t think it is as unthinkable as it would seem. Even for the enlightened and educated American.

For a number of years now, the churches here in the United States of Americahave refrained from political speech because of Internal Revenue Service rules and their own tax exempt status. That goes for all churches except those that promote the Democratic agenda and the Progressive redistribution of wealth promoted by the African- American and Gay-Clergy churches.  In those churches, it seems to be allowed for some reason.

Churches have made a big point to steer clear of political content and siding with one side or the other. Why, it comes down to money. The churches always tell us that, “we have to do this to keep our taxes down” and the “The church would go out of business without that tax exemption. Oh really? Capitulation is rarely, if ever, a sudden slamming of the totalitarian door. It comes in tiny or sometimes small footsteps. Footsteps, footsteps! The tax is the government boot being slowly, yet firmly, being applied to the backsides and neck of the American Christian Church.

Enter Hate Crimes Legislation.

Hate Crime Statistics Act of 1990 (HCSA) Enacted in 1990, the Hate Crime Statistics Act (HCSA) requires the Justice Department to collect data on crimes which “manifest prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity” from law enforcement agencies across the country and to publish an annual summary of the findings.

Hate Crimes Sentencing Enhancement Act of 1994 Originally introduced by Rep. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) as freestanding legislation, the Hate Crimes Sentencing Enhancement Act was enacted into law as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Pursuant to the Act, the United States Sentencing Commission established a sentencing enhancement of “not less than 3 offense levels for [federal] offenses that the finder of fact at trial determines beyond a reasonable doubt are hate crimes.” The enhancement defines a hate crime as “a crime in which the defendant intentionally selects a victim, or in the case of a property crime, the property that is the object of the crime, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation of any person.”

The Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996 The Church Arson Prevention Act of 1996 was enacted in response to a disturbing rash of arson directed at houses of worship, with African American churches disproportionately victimized. According to Justice Department officials, DOJ opened 658 investigations of suspicious fires, bombings, and attempted bombings from January 1, 1995, to August 18, 1998. Of the 658 attacks directed against houses of worship, 220 were predominantly African-American institutions. The Church Arson Prevention Act was initially sponsored by Sens. Lauch Faircloth (R-NC) and Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and by Reps. Henry Hyde (R-IL) and John Conyers (D-MI).

107th Congress (2001-2002)The Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act (LLEEA) (S.625) was introduced onMarch 27, 2001. The measure would have removed existing obstacles to federal hate crime prosecutions and extended federal hate crime law that currently covers race, religion and national origin to cover hate crimes based on actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender or disability.

109th Congress (2005-2006) The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005, passed September 14 as an amendment to H.R. 3132, the Children’s Safety Act of 2005, would have expanded the definition of hate crimes to include offenses involving actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

110th Congress (2007-2008) In 2007, Congress came closer than ever in addressing a critical gap in current federal hate crimes law and expanded existing hate crimes coverage to include violence based on sexual orientation, gender, and disability. The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 (H.R. 1592) was introduced in the House onMarch 20, 2007, and in the Senate onApril 12, 2007.

111th Congress (2009-2010) The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 (LLEHCPA) was introduced in the 111th Congress by Representatives John Conyers, D. Mich., and Mark Kirk, R. Ill., in the House.

Although no person, of any age, gender, race, or lifestyle should ever be a victim of hate induced criminal activity, should it be necessary to make a special status for those of any other category than, average American White Christian Straight person? Isn’t any violent crime against any innocent party really a crime of hate? Only those inEuropeandAmerica’s progressive movements would seem to think so enough to further place their metal studded Jack boots harder on the necks of their citizens.

Hate Crimes laws have lead to Christian ministers andChristian people being fines and jail all over Europe,AustraliaandCanada. These laws are not so much to help those it covers as they are to punish and quiet the pesky Religious Right of those nations. Is it any wonder that all of these nations enacted strict gun control and gun confiscation before enacting the Hate Crimes laws? Do you think it will be any different here in the good ol’ US of A? I don’t think so.

Progressives and the Democratic Party here in the USA use their elected powers to subjugate the American people. Is it any wonder that we see attacks such as Waco and Ruby Ridge, and repelling of DADT, the push for stricter gun control, the take over of internet and net neutrality and the Fairness Doctrine under Democratic Presidents and Congress’? The Democrats only want to use their power to control you and me.

Now we have Obama trying to force the Catholic Church and Catholic Services to provide not only contraception, but also abortion day after pills, and provide monies toward public abortion.

The people of America have to make up their minds. We all set back and say, “Well, we don’t have a choice that is what the government makes us do”Patriots, there is a choice, it just isn’t a happy one. The Church must make a stand on this. The Churches of America need to give up their Worship of Mammon and Baal. If God wants you to be a church, you will be without the handout from Caesar. It is time for the church to be the Church, or just become the milk toast wishy wash I’m ok your ok, on the Cross offered, drink of wine mixed with gall that we get from Oprah and Joel Osteen. It is time to be the church and stand for something. It is 1933 again. Will you sign a pact with the Devil? Vote Republican this coming election, any other vote is against freedom and our way of life. Do it even if you have to put a cloths pine on your nose because Obama has got to be stopped. Hell, I’ll do it even if it’s Ron Paul. You decide!

Ding Dong, ol’ Mitt has won

Wow, can you believe it Patriots. Mitt has won not only the Hawkeye Cockeye, but the New Hampshire Primary. Wow, that’s just amazing isn’t it? Why that hasn’t happened since 1976. I must be a sign from above. Come on kids, (and Munchkins) sing it with me:

‘Ding Dong, ol’ Mitt has won, which ol Mitt, Ol Gov’ner Mitt
Ding Dong ol’ RINO Mitt has won.
Give up, Everyone, Give up Newt and give up Ricks
Ding Dong ol’ RINO Mitt has won.’

And that goes for you voters as well. Oops, hold it right there Ron, you too.

You would think by listening to those, ah…pundits on TV that the race was over and everyone else just needs to shut up sit down and get out of the way wouldn’t you? Is that what you feel like doing? I didn’t think so.

I don’t think that I want the voters of Iowa and New Hamp to pick my candidate. No disrespect to them but what gives them the right to drop a house on the rest of the field? If any of you recall or have bothered to see for yourselves, we were told the same thing in 1976.

Incumbent President Gerald Ford faced a strong primary challenge from Ronald Reagan. The former California Governor was a popular among the GOP’s conservative wing. Conservatives saw that like his predecessor Richard Nixon, Ford was not a conservative. The race for the nomination was the last one by the Republicans to have not been decided by the start of the party convention.

Ford narrowly defeated Reagan in the New Hampshire primary, and then proceeded to beat Reagan in Florida and Illinois. By the North Carolina primary in March 1976, Reagan’s campaign was nearly out of money, and many believed that another defeat would force Reagan to quit the race. Many in the GOP establishment were openly asking Reagan to get with the Party and get out of the way. With the assistance of the political organization of U.S. Senator Jesse Helms, Reagan upset Ford in North Carolina and then proceeded to win a string of impressive victories, including Texas. Ford did win in his home state of Michigan, and from there the two candidates battled for delegates. By the time the Republican Convention opened in August 1976 the nomination was too close to call.

At the start of the 1976 Republican National Convention in Kansas City, Ford had a slight lead in delegate votes, but was still short of the 1130 delegates he needed to win. Reagan’s choice of Senator Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania, a Northern moderate, to be his running mate has been said to have caused Mississippi’s Chairman Clarke Reed, to switch the states votes to Ford, giving him a narrow 1187 delegates to Reagan’s 1070.

What’s the point of this entire useless trivia you ask? The point is this, aren’t we always being told that we just need to accept who ever they tell us to. Haven’t we been told for the last 2 years that Mitt Romney was, “The Front Runner, the Presumptive Choice” and other piles of RINO dung?

To make matters all the worse, we have independents and Democrats voting in the GOP primaries. How has that worked for us in the past. Ford, Dole, McCain and now Romney. Does anyone see a pattern here? It seems that the Republic leaders, whether while serving in Congress, running their mouths on TV or in backing “Moderate” (that’s liberal to you and me) candidates against conservatives are always telling us what we need to accept. Open wide and say ahh. Oh, and this is going to sting a little.”

And to pile on a little more, some of those still in the running, namely Perry and Newt, have decided to take Obama’s left wing approach in an effort to dry gulch Romney. Both are using the very same tack that Obama would when he attacks freedom and capitalism. Equating Romney with Wall Street bankers and evil corporations and saying that he is the cause for peoples woe’s is not going to make them look more conservative. It makes them look like leftist Wall Street Occupiers.

I have always liked Rick Perry and Newt. I like Perry as Governor and have admired Newt for decades. But they have lost my support to be our President with their attacks against Mitt using Obama, Reid and Pelosi tactics. Now don’t jump to any crazy conclusions here, Mitt is still as he has always been, RINO, Par Excellence. And don’t think that we are stuck with Ol’ Ron Paul either. I know he is popular with 20somethings and independents, but, he’s Ron Paul. Need I say more? Why is it he may skip a few areas where independents can vote? Humn, I don’t know.

I guess that would leave conservatives with the other Rick wouldn’t it? Santorum is a social conservative that sees government as the problem but at the same times sees it as a solution to problems that only government can take care of. In 2006, U2 front man Bono told New York Times columnist David Brooks, “I would suggest that Rick Santorum has a kind of Tourette’s disease; he will always say the most unpopular thing. But on our issues, he has been a defender of the most vulnerable.” I think that conservatives could say the same couldn’t we?

I would like to ask all of the candidates to remain in the fight as long as they have enough money to stand on a box, on a street corner, and yell through a rolled up newspaper megaphone. Stay in the fight because we need to have hope that we will change the Oval office in November. Please fight on.

‘Ding Dong, ol’ Mitt aint won, still got Newt, still got Ricks
Ding Dong ol’ RINO Mitt aint won.
Stay in, till Obama’s done, House is kept, Senate won
Ding Dong ol’ RINO Mitt aint won.’

If you are reading this, you are the Resistance.

The Extinction of the Dodo. (Raphus cucullatus)

The Dodo, or the American People, you decide

The Dodo, or the American People, you decide

Patriots, Is it just me, or is this whole Republic going the way of a digested burrito? That’s the funny thing about a bean burrito, once you remove the flour tortilla it looks the same, before you eat it, and after you eat it. Sorry for the crudeness, but I how you’ll see the point.

There was a time, long, long ago, a group of crazy knuckleheads decided that they were tired of being kicked around by a pansy assed boy-man. So these nuts got together and created something we so nostalgically refer to as “The Constitution of the United States of America” Any of you remember that thing? I know I have a copy or ten of it lying around here somewhere.

Before that, this ill formed band of miscreants wrote a little document they called, “The Declaration of Independence”. I am sure it’s all coming back to you now. At least I hope it is. Remember it now? Sure you do, you remember both of them don’t you.

Funny thing is though, those in Washington D.C., in Congress seemed to have forgotten that. You are probably jumping in right here with a little scream and saying, “Congress, what about Obama?” Well you see, Obama hasn’t forgotten the Constitution he has just chosen not to abide by it.

After 3 long years of these, ahh, people in the White House, so many of We The People still seem to fall back on “Why would he do that?” and “Doesn’t he understand?” and “I just cant understand it…” WAKE UP! If you haven’t awoken to this mans agenda by now, please do us all a huge favor and don’t vote. Better yet, have yourselves spayed and neutered so we don’t have our votes cancelled by the likes of your malformed offspring.

Sorry, I just had to get that out. Now, back to the Republican Party. What’s with all of the crap we have been hearing from the Republican candidates and their school yard B.S. Calling each other names and spouting, “wha, wha, Lil’ Newty called me a bad word,” and “Mitty is just a big bully” and “Teacher, Ronnie is talking to his imaginary friends again.” Enough! They Republic is being stolen and all the GOP’s cares about is getting their own seats back. Sorry, this is musical chairs you bunch of infantile dummies. And all of the seats are being removed while you set around in poopy diapers.

Ok, ok, I feel off into their name calling, sorry. But they are dodo heads.

President Obama chose this week to claim new powers for himself by making recess appointments while Congress wasn’t legally in recess. “I refuse to take ‘No’ for an answer,” he said while hastening the demise of the Constitution.

This isn’t the first example of Obama’s increasing tendency to govern with executive-branch powers. He has already explained that “where Congress is not willing to act, we’re going to go ahead and do it ourselves.” On a variety of issues, from immigration to the environment to labor law, that’s just what he’s been doing. Is anyone willing to bet that he will take even more freedoms from Congress and the People should he win reelection? Sharia Law in American Courts, 2nd Amendment, hell, 1st Amendment, “Hate Speech” laws anyone? The 2010 elections have meant nothing to this man or to the Democratic Party. They have stayed their courses and the hell with the GOP and Americans in general. Why stop now, the GOP and the rest of the Democrat Party are letting them get away with it aren’t they?

Much of the administration’s approach has to do with a change in the nature of liberal politics. The days of FDR saving the Republic are long gone and forgotten. Today’s progressives resemble the medieval clerical class. So mush for having a Sunny Inquisition. Their goal is governmental control over everything, from how we choose to live our lives, what food we eat, to even how we think and believe. Just let any of them hear you refer to Climate Gate being filled with lies and made up so called facts found in emails. Today’s progressives are as dogmatic in their beliefs as were Jerry Falwell and Osama Bin Laden. Al Gore, “The debate over climate change is closed.”

The problem is between those, (The elected class) who know what’s good and a presumptively ignorant majority (You and me). Joe Klein, a so called writer for Time says, ‘Obama is burdened, by governing a “nation of dodos” that is “too dumb to thrive,” without the guidance of our president.’ But, since We the People are too deluded to cooperate, the progressives have a solution. They, in their infinite wisdom will just give us European-style governance by a largely unelected bureaucratic class.

Progressives seemed uninterested in moderating their agenda even after having their ass’ handed to them in 2010. Left-wing Obama water girls Katrina vanden Heuvel of The Nation and Robert Borosage of the Institute for Policy Studies went so far as to argue that Obama should bypass Congress whenever necessary and govern using his executive authority over the government’s regulatory agencies. B. Hussein seems to have liked that idea.

John Podesta of the Center for American Progress, a left-liberal think tank has written, “The U.S. Constitution and the laws of our nation grant the president significant authority to make and implement policy… These authorities can be used to ensure positive progress on many of the key issues facing the country.”

If Obama does win, 2013 could possibly bring an end to the Constitution based republic they we still have. With the House and perhaps the Senate in Republican hands, Obama’s band of Inquisitional clerics may be tempted to use the full range of executive power. The logic for running the country from the executive has been laid out already. Chicago congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. argues, “Republican control of just the House, has made America ungovernable.” Obama, he said during the fight over the debt limit, needed to bypass the Constitution because, as in 1861 when the South was “in a state of rebellion” against lawful authority, the current GOP lead House is as well. Beverley Perdue, the Democratic governor of North Carolina, concurred: she wanted to have elections suspended for a stretch.

If Obama does win in 2012, a victorious Obama administration will further embrace a soft version of the Chinese government model. The mechanisms of control already exist. The bureaucratic apparatus, the array of policy czars and regulatory enforcers commissioned by the executive branch, has grown dramatically under Obama. Their ability to control and prosecute people for violations relating to issues like labor and the environment can be further enhanced. In the post-election environment, the president, using agencies like the EPA, could successfully strangle whole industries, notably the oil and natural gas sector.

A 2012 victory will most assuredly give Obama the go ahead to bring heavy restrictions on 1st and 2nd Amendment rights that Americans have had since our Republic’s formation, if not out and out gun confiscation and prosecutions for political speech. We could see restrictions on the rights of free Americans to use the words, “Islamic Terrorists” and churches rights to speak on biblical issues just like in Europe and Canada. Expansions of affirmative action, gay rights, and abortion rights could become mandated from Washington.

2012 may well become a nightmare scenario if Obama is reelected. It will further the constitutional crisis’ pitting this relentless executive branch power grab against a disgruntled, alienated GOP opposition. It shows especially foreboding because of the Republican Parties lack of strong and intelligent leadership. Their lack of a spine may well stem from their spending too much time in D.C. or they might just see us as dodo’s as well.

Over the coming weeks, months and years, the new authoritarians in the Obama Administration and their sycophant Progressive worshipers will elicit even more opposition and disdain from, “We the Dodos” who make up the majority of Americans residing in the great landmass between the coasts. The legacy of the Obama years, once so breathlessly associated with hope and reconciliation, the lowering of the seas, the tears of those wishing for change, a day of universal love may instead be growing pessimism, polarization and may end in rebellion.

As an aside, I have started a new blog that will be focusing on the war between the Western Civilization and Islam. Please check in if you like,

And remember, “Pertinax usque ad mortem” Defiant to the end

If you are reading this, You are the resistance.

2012 and the end of the Republican Party

As this election approaches, it seems the conservatives of this great Republic are once again being courted by charlatans. Why is it that conservative’s are only worth speaking to or about, or that the political candidates only act conservative during their election campaigns. It comes down to the political process’ inherent disdain for the conservatives of this great Republic.

“ ‘Baw’, ‘foul’ ‘that’s not true’ “ the GOP may say. Well, maybe, maybe not. To the Republican Party elite and to those of the GOP that only refer to themselves as conservatives during elections because that is the only time they will lower themselves to us that moniker, it is how it seems to the conservative voter.

True conservatives of this nation are day by day becoming less and less likely to vote Republican. For decades, conservatives have been forced to vote for the Republican candidate for President and U.S. Congress in order to slow the liberal coup d’état of the Democrat Party. The day of the 3rd Party and the death of the Republican Party are fast approaching.

It seems to the average voter in this, the greatest nation on Gods green earth, that the Republican establishment is so afraid of Barack Hussein Obama that they have all but conceded the general election to him. It also seems that they have decided to concentrate on retaking the Senate and increasing their majority in the House. Both of these endeavors would be wonderful things if it were not for their accepted defeat by Obama.

Why is it that they are afraid of Obama? Why won’t they fight against him as he will fight against them? Will this GOP candidate put on the same dog and pony show that John, ‘Yosemite Sam’ McCain did in the last election? McCain didn’t use anything against Obama, none of the questions raised about him or his lake of ever having a responsible job or any experience. The GOP Party seems to be headed in the same direction again. Republicans just don’t have it in them to be winners.

A word of advice to the Republican Party. As one who has voted Republican in every election since being old enough, it pains me and saddens me to say they the GOP’s days are coming to an end. The Grand ole Party’s is declining because of its leader’s inability to stop the liberal train in its fundamental change of OUR nation. Whether the GOP believes what conservatives are saying doesn’t matter. It is what conservatives feel, think and believe about the GOP that matters.

Conservatives feel lied to, abandoned and betrayed by the GOP, every chance the Republican’s get, especially since the coronation of B. Hussein Obama to “just go along to get along” they do and at their own peril. Conservatives, Christians and the working middle class of this Republic have had it with the GOP. It is time for the Republicans to stand up and be something besides the RINO dominated, Boehner lead, “Oh well, we’re only 1/2 of 1/3” that they have been. Conservatives are looking for a Conservative Republican leader that will do for the Constitution and the average American what Obama has done for the leftists and liberals. Time to stand and deliver or get out of the way GOP.

Those running the GOP may think this is wrong but its not. The GOP’s days are finished if they don’t return o the light side of the force. But there is a chance for the Republican Party to save itself. A chance, to once again be the Conservative side of this nation’s government. How you ask?

Win or lose in the upcoming Presidential Election, the Republican Party has to really fight for he Constitution and Conservative values of its long time voters. There is a chance that because Obama is the Democratic contender, the conservative may still side with the GOP in an effort to save our Republic, but that is the only reason. The only way the GOP can be saved right now, in this 2012 election is Barack Obama.

Obama’s vision for this nation is a complete 180 from the conservative Americans. That is where the GOP comes in. A 3rd party candidate will give Obama another 4 years in office. A 3rd party candidate will not only end the United States of America as we have known it but will end the Republican Party as the dominate ‘conservative’ side of the American politic.

What can the GOP do? They can stand up against the Democrats and fight them. Speak the truth and it will set them free. Win or lose, fighting on the side of the conservative voter is the right thing to do. Conservatives of today have awoken and they will never again be used as a parking lot prom date to be used at the election and then sent away to find their own ride home. GOP, it’s up to you to save your party.

The way to save the party is to mount a real campaign against Obama. Not the namby pamby sugar coated dribble of the McCain or Dole Campaign’s. But a real damn fight to the finish with the intent to win. Republicans have to want to fight and want to win or their finished. Stand toe to toe, bring a gun to a knife fight, and fight fire with fire kind of campaign. Beat Obama damn it.

If the republican doesn’t win this 2012 election it is their own fault. Obama is ripe for the defeating. Republicans have got to take advantage of that. Romney and Newt are really and truly not the path to take. Romney comes off as wanting to win no matter what stand he has to take or which side of an issue he has to take, even if it’s both sides, as he has done. Newt, although he is probably the most brilliant of republicans, carries more baggage than freight train and right or wrong, changed or not, he did set on a couch with Queen Nancy. Conservatives feel that those in the GOP establishment are grabbing their noses and forcing them to swallow the GOP’s pick. Again!!! It will end the GOP

The Republican Party stands at a cross roads. One direction takes them the way of the Wig Party. One takes them the way of the Reform Party. It is time to return to the conservatives of this Republic Republicans. With out a return to this, the conservative voter will split their votes until they find a true conservative to lead them. But, unfortunately for our republic, that will be too late. People are fed up with the process and are looking for a fight and a fighter to lead them. So called conservative pundits keep telling us that Romney is the way, well, he AINT, GOP, he aint. He may be your choice and he may well win in 2012, but if he does, he will be the end of the party. The leaders of the GOP may think that this anger toward the establishment, whether Republican or Democrat may pass after Obama, but their wrong. It is only the beginning. Conservatives have had it and their going to either take back this country as a whole or in pieces. This is not hyperbole, it is a fact. The under current running through this Republic is real and its coming to a head. And it’s coming soon. And Hell will follow with it. Time for the GOP to act.

If the Republicans run a good campaign, if they win the election, if they reverse EVERYTHING the Obama and Reed/Pelosi camps have done, if they act and think conservative, they stand a chance at preserving the GOP. If they don’t, then Ya’ll may as well ease on up to the table, because the goose is cooked and the 3rd Party has come to the feast.